Private web


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Google SSL encrypted web search logo

Google search over SSL is an end-to-end encrypted search solution between your computer and Google, this will not make you anonymous at all but will stop unwanted middle parts like your ISP or network computer administrator from seeing what you are searching for, although they will still know what sites you visit once you click on the links. When you use Google SSL encrypted search your Internet browser will also stop sending referral data and the webmaster of the site you visit will not know wh

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Scroogle logo

Scroogle results are exactly the same ones you would get with Google but served with privacy, without advertisements, without sending out to the sites the search terms used, not logging the search terms entered and deleting your computer IP from their logs as well as not showing on the toolbar the search words you used.

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IxQuick logo
anonymous web browsing

IxQuick was awarded the first European Privacy Seal, IxQuick privacy search engine will not record your IP address, other data like the search queries are deleted from the log files within a maximum of 48 hours, often sooner. IxQuick uses the POST method to keep your search terms out of the logs of webmasters of sites that you reach from their results, the major search engines on the other hand, use the GET method which allows web servers to log what search terms you used to reach them. You can

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duckduckgo logo
a privacy search engine

Your web browser automatically sends information about your user agent and IP address to the search engine but Duck Duck Go will not store it at all. This information could be used to link you to your searches and other search engines will use it to show you more targeted advertising. Duck Duck Go will go out of its way to delete that data. At Duck Duck Go no cookies are used by default and they do not work with any affiliate program that will share personally identifiable information like name

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Yoursearch logo

Description not available.

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Searchprivacy logo

Description not available.

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Encryptedsearch logo

Description not available.

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Piesearch logo

Description not available.

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u tube logo

Description not available.

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Jiimba logo

Description not available.

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Start page-search logo

Description not available.

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Dickkookipp logo

For cryptocurrency investors only

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